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Text File  |  1997-06-09  |  11KB  |  445 lines

  1. object AboutBox: TAboutBox
  2.   Left = 390
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  249.           Caption = 'Copyright ∩┐╜ 1995, 1996, 1997 by Zugg Software'
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  256.         object Panel2: TPanel
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  341.           Width = 221
  342.           Height = 13
  343.           Caption = 'The following people have generously donated'
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  393.             'Jonathan Broome (Darker)'
  394.             'Sean Brown'
  395.             'Allen Fleishman'
  396.             'Christopher Hoekstra'
  397.             'Luc St-Germain'
  398.             'Howard Posner'
  399.             'Matt Gordon (Warlock)'
  400.             'Tim Gahagan (Ragman)'
  401.             'Dan Gilbert (Sykotic)'
  402.             'Jeff Moore'
  403.             'ray landers of Rhinoceros Kitchen'
  404.             'Marty Evans'
  405.             'Chris Steele (Thak)')
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  410.     end
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  443.   end
  444. end